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How Your Blog Can Benefit from Network Marketing Tactics

Let us first get one thing clear – although its success usually goes unnoticed, the entire network marketing industry is bringing a lot of money to the table. That is why we see more and more traditionally oriented businesses implementing network marketing tactics into their own operations, usually with a lot of success. But can this be applied to your blog and is it even possible to emulate MLM tactics if there is no tangible end product and, therefore, no tangible profit you can base your affiliate network on? The shortest possible answer is – sure. Let us take a quick look at some network marketing tactics that can help your blog get off the ground.
Develop Your Own Network

Let us start with the thing you and various unrelated businesses do have in common, which is at the same time the very reason marketing networks exist, and that would be a need for affordable and efficient marketing. As we have already mentioned, MLM networks are based on sharing chunks of profit, which is in your case absent, but that does not mean that you cannot find mutual benefit you can base your network on. And truly, it is not that uncommon to see various internet personas (most notably Youtubers) doing shared projects with their colleagues and making guest appearances on their websites in order to increase traffic, and potentially tap into their pre-established audience.

Be Coachable

Of course, if you want to, you can always take the MLM network model and interpret it in a more literal fashion. In other words, it would not be a bad idea to look for young and up-and-coming bloggers, recruit them into your network, use your experience and influence to help them get on their feet, allow them to make guest appearances on your website, and later use the established connection to your advantage. Once you manage to gather a large enough circle of associates and affiliates, pushing your content into the masses, and doing SEO are going to be much easier endeavors.

Know Your Target Audience

One very important thing that separates unsuccessful network marketers from successful network marketers is that the latter ones have a very clear picture where the money lies and who their target audience is. Learn something from them and keep in mind why you started writing, who are the people that brought your blog into existence, and what drove them there in the first place. Side projects are great, as long as you do not get lost in them.

Never Stop Self-Improving

Another thing we can learn from successful network marketers is constant self-improving. These days, new technologies are developing at a relentless pace, and the focus of marketing is inevitably shifting into the web space. It is clear that marketing networks would not be as successful as they are if network marketers were not constantly going through the cycle of network marketing training and kept knocking at the same door. If you want to keep your blog relevant and ensure a constant influx of new followers, you must take some notes from them and take some time to master new web technologies and find a way to exploit new communication channels.

Master One Thing at the Time

Last but not the least, the strongest marketing networks are based on quality products, recruiting only  promising candidates, giving them enough attention until they are ready to take their rightful place in the network, mastering one marketing approach at time, and, finally, never abandoning the well until it is fully depleted. If you fail at either of these points (in your case, of course, the backbone of the network should be great content, instead of product), or you aimlessly chase every opportunity you stumble upon down the road, you will end up achieving nothing.


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