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Showing posts from February, 2019

How Your Blog Can Benefit from Network Marketing Tactics

Let us first get one thing clear – although its success usually goes unnoticed, the entire network marketing industry is bringing a lot of money to the table. That is why we see more and more traditionally oriented businesses implementing network marketing tactics into their own operations, usually with a lot of success. But can this be applied to your blog and is it even possible to emulate MLM tactics if there is no tangible end product and, therefore, no tangible profit you can base your affiliate network on? The shortest possible answer is – sure. Let us take a quick look at some network marketing tactics that can help your blog get off the ground. Develop Your Own Network Let us start with the thing you and various unrelated businesses do have in common, which is at the same time the very reason marketing networks exist, and that would be a need for affordable and efficient marketing. As we have already mentioned, MLM networks are based on sharing chunks of profit, whic...